This Week at Calvin

Calvin Church, 326 7 th St SE, welcomes all who are looking for a church family to worship, learn and
fellowship with us. Worship begins at 10:00 AM with Miriam Hector providing a prelude on
“Great is Thy Faithfulness” and “Forever.” Pastor Brian Hofman’s message will center on Psalm 105
where we declare God’s faithfulness in keeping His promises and delivering His people. The All For Him
praise team will lead the singing of “May All the Peoples Praise You”, “I Will Sing of the Mercies,”
“Goodness of God”, “Yes, I Will,” and “The Blessing.
At 9:00 AM, Sunday, there are Education Classes for all ages. Teachers are preparing valuable lessons
for us all. Come and learn together
This Wednesday, 1:30 PM is women’s Bible Study in the church basement. They will be studying Lesson
18, “Cross of Christ”.
All offerings and tithes are now given during the worship service. If you are unable to be there, they can
be sent to the church at 326 7 th ST SE or dropped off at the church office Monday through Fridays, 10 –
This Sunday is the celebration of collecting the Operation Christmas Child boxes ready to be delivered.
Every gift-filled shoebox is a tool for evangelism and discipleship for a local church around the world.
We thank God that through our decades of delivering shoebox gifts, we’ve shared the Gospel with
millions of children in over 160 countries and territories.
At 9:00 AM, Sundays, Calvin provides Sunday School classes for all ages. Come, join us.
Mark your calendars for the Thanksgiving Supper for the Calvin Family, November 21 at 5:00 PM.
Delicious food and entertainment are being planned by the Fellowship Committee.
Services may be seen on YouTube, on our website at, or by listening to a CD available under the mailboxes.

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