This Sunday at Calvin will be an extra special worship service! Our missionaries, Anthony and Sara Sytsma will be at Calvin leading our service. They work for Resonate Global Mission in Uganda. Their message is based on 1 John 3:11-20, “The Gospel and Loving the Poor.”
Anthony encourages and mentors pastors who face many challenges in ministry and who themselves need pastoral care. He teaches informal groups of church leaders through curriculums like Timothy Leadership Training, and a curriculum he helped to write called “Helping Without Hurting in Africa” based on the book When Helping Hurts. Ara works in churches and communities to help farmers better care for their land, produce more food, save money, and connect the Christian faith to everyday life through Bible study and skills training. She facilitates farmer study groups on agriculture, caring fo creation, and nutrition. She also teaches fuel-efficient and nutritious ways of cooking, building clay ovens, and baking.
After the service, a potluck meal is being planned to meet and greet the Sytsmas. Meat will be provided. Please bring a dish to share.
On August 13 a Special Offering will be taken for the Sytsma family.
This Sunday’s service will begin with a prelude by Miriam Hector. The All For Him praise team will lead the singing of: “We Fall Down”, “Who You Say I Am”, “I Have Decided to Follow Jesus,” “Jesu, Jesu”, and “Let it be Said of Us”.
Our team is made up of Jim Viet, Ron De Kok, Bob Hughes, Dave Hector, Steve Ver Mulm, Patrick Visscher, Mary Fedders, and Lyn Bulthuis. We thank them for their faithful service to leading worship.
Worship begins at 10 AM on Sundays. Calvin is located at 326 7th St SE, Le Mars, just east of Foster Park, or south of the courthouse. Please come and join us in worship of our loving God.