This Week at Calvin 9/28/2023

Calvin Church, 326 7 th St SE, welcomes all who are looking for a church family to worship, learn and
fellowship with us. Sunday School classes for all ages begin at 9:00 AM. Come join us in the Fellowship
Hall where prepared teachers will meet you to join in learning more about our faithful God. Worship
begins at 10:00 AM. Pastor Brian Hofman will lead us in worship. Miriam Hector will provide the
prelude and accompany the singing of: “O Worship The King”, “Make Me A Servant”, “Solid Rock”, “How
Firm A Foundation, and “I Serve a Risen Savior”. Pastor Hofman begins a new sermon series on Isaiah 7
& 8.
This Sunday we will have the ordination and installation of a new elder and deacon.
An Evening of Praise on October 6 th will be sponsored by Bible League International (BLI) Ambassadors at
the B.J. Haan Auditorium at Dordt University in Sioux Center at 7 PM. The groups performing are Four
for Him, the Klaasens, and Ensemble Royale. There will be a featured six-handed piano arrangement
performed by Trio BDT. A free-will offering will be taken for BLI. This year BLI is celebrating its 85 th
anniversary. Every $5.00 raised will cover the cost of putting a Bible written in a language that they will
Calvin will be leading services on Wednesday, October 4 at Prime Living – 9:30 AM and at Accura 10.00
News! Calvin Church will again be serving the Election Night Soup Supper on November 7 th . More
details are coming.
The church office is open every morning from 10 to noon. If you have any prayer requests and
concerns you like included in the bulletin, please direct them to our church secretary at 712-546-4767.
Services may be seen on YouTube, on our newly designed website at, or by listening
to a CD.

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