Calvin Church, 326 7th St SE, welcomes all who are looking for a church family to worship, learn and
fellowship with us. Worship begins at 10:00 AM. Pastor Brian Hofman will lead us in worship. Tracy
Smidt will provide the prelude and accompany the singing of: “Your Name”, “Baptized in Water”, “Lead
on O King Eternal”, and “Jesus Loves Me”. Pastor Hofman has asked the congregation of questions
they’d like addressed in the month of September. This Sunday “Be Ready for the Christ’s Return” is
based on John 15: 18-25.
This Sunday we are celebrating the baptism of Jeremiah Hofman. Praise God for this blessing to our
church. Tracy Smidt (a friend of the family) will sing “He Knows My Name” as a solo.
Sunday School for all ages begins September 10th at 9:00.
The Wednesday Afternoon Laies Bible Study Group will have their first meeting on September 6 at 1:30
PM. They will meet every 1st and 3rd Wednesdays through out the year. All are welcome to join.
The Wednesday Evening Women’s Bible Study Group will be continuing their study of the DVD series
“Twelve More Women of the Bible. Each lesson is independent of the others, so you don’t need to
worry about starting in the middle. They will meet on the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of the month starting
in September.
At 2:00 PM our church opened its doors to the Chuukese Church family in our community. We welcome
them to worship God in our sanctuary.
The church office is open every morning from 10 to noon. If you have any prayer requests and
concerns you like included in the bulletin, please direct them to our church secretary at 712-546-4767.
Services may be seen on YouTube, on our newly designed website at, or by listening
to a CD.
fellowship with us. Worship begins at 10:00 AM. Pastor Brian Hofman will lead us in worship. Tracy
Smidt will provide the prelude and accompany the singing of: “Your Name”, “Baptized in Water”, “Lead
on O King Eternal”, and “Jesus Loves Me”. Pastor Hofman has asked the congregation of questions
they’d like addressed in the month of September. This Sunday “Be Ready for the Christ’s Return” is
based on John 15: 18-25.
This Sunday we are celebrating the baptism of Jeremiah Hofman. Praise God for this blessing to our
church. Tracy Smidt (a friend of the family) will sing “He Knows My Name” as a solo.
Sunday School for all ages begins September 10th at 9:00.
The Wednesday Afternoon Laies Bible Study Group will have their first meeting on September 6 at 1:30
PM. They will meet every 1st and 3rd Wednesdays through out the year. All are welcome to join.
The Wednesday Evening Women’s Bible Study Group will be continuing their study of the DVD series
“Twelve More Women of the Bible. Each lesson is independent of the others, so you don’t need to
worry about starting in the middle. They will meet on the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of the month starting
in September.
At 2:00 PM our church opened its doors to the Chuukese Church family in our community. We welcome
them to worship God in our sanctuary.
The church office is open every morning from 10 to noon. If you have any prayer requests and
concerns you like included in the bulletin, please direct them to our church secretary at 712-546-4767.
Services may be seen on YouTube, on our newly designed website at, or by listening
to a CD.