Calvin Christian Reformed Church located at 326 7 th St SE. invites you to join them in worship of the one
true God.
This Sunday Pastor’s message will be from Deuteronomy 5: 1-22 “The Ten Commandments”. Miriam
Hector will lead us into worship with a prelude on the grand piano. The All For Him praise team leads in
singing of “Be Unto Your Name”, “Goodness of God”, “Deep Within”, “You Shall Love the Lord Your
God”, and “What Does the Lord Require of You.”
Members of the Praise team are Lyn Bulthuis, Mary Fedders, Joy Lee, Patrick Visscher, Steve Ver Mulm
on vocals. Bob Hughes and Ron De Kok on acoustic guitar, Jim Viet on bass guitar, Bruce Smit on the trap
set, Miriam Hector on the keyboard, and Dave Hector on bongos. We couldn’t sing together without the
trusty service of our sound and video people. Jeremy Kamp prepares the slides and controls the sound
system. Baze Postma oversees the computer and videotaping for the livestreaming. We are so thankful
for the faithful service of all.
The Children are welcomed up front to visit with Pastor Brian for an introduction to the morning’s text.
The Special Offering for the month of July is for The Gideons. The Gideons International is an
Association of Christian business and professional men and their wives dedicated to telling people about
Jesus through associating together for service, sharing personal testimony, and by providing Bibles and
New Testaments. Duane Vander Plaats will be here to inspire us to donate to the Gideons.
A time of fellowship with coffee, juice, and cookies follow worship.
Follow us on Facebook. We are Calvin CRC Le Mars or on Youtube.
true God.
This Sunday Pastor’s message will be from Deuteronomy 5: 1-22 “The Ten Commandments”. Miriam
Hector will lead us into worship with a prelude on the grand piano. The All For Him praise team leads in
singing of “Be Unto Your Name”, “Goodness of God”, “Deep Within”, “You Shall Love the Lord Your
God”, and “What Does the Lord Require of You.”
Members of the Praise team are Lyn Bulthuis, Mary Fedders, Joy Lee, Patrick Visscher, Steve Ver Mulm
on vocals. Bob Hughes and Ron De Kok on acoustic guitar, Jim Viet on bass guitar, Bruce Smit on the trap
set, Miriam Hector on the keyboard, and Dave Hector on bongos. We couldn’t sing together without the
trusty service of our sound and video people. Jeremy Kamp prepares the slides and controls the sound
system. Baze Postma oversees the computer and videotaping for the livestreaming. We are so thankful
for the faithful service of all.
The Children are welcomed up front to visit with Pastor Brian for an introduction to the morning’s text.
The Special Offering for the month of July is for The Gideons. The Gideons International is an
Association of Christian business and professional men and their wives dedicated to telling people about
Jesus through associating together for service, sharing personal testimony, and by providing Bibles and
New Testaments. Duane Vander Plaats will be here to inspire us to donate to the Gideons.
A time of fellowship with coffee, juice, and cookies follow worship.
Follow us on Facebook. We are Calvin CRC Le Mars or on Youtube.
The church office is open Monday through Friday from 10 – noon. If you have concerns for the prayer
chain, please contact the church secretary at 712-546-4767.
chain, please contact the church secretary at 712-546-4767.