This Week at Calvin 6/5/24

News from CCRC – Calvin Christian Reformed Church “A Caring Church, Reaching Community”! Our
church building is located at 326 7 th St SE. Take notice of our new church signs!
For the month of June Pastor Brian Hofman has prepared sermons on different books of the Bible. This
This Sunday Pastor’s message will be from the book of James. The All for Him praise team will lead the
singing of “Come, Now Is the Time to Worship”, “Jesus, Be the Centre”, “Ancient Words”, “Trust and
Obey”, and “Jesus, All for Jesus”.
The Children are welcomed up front to visit with Pastor Brian for an introduction to the morning’s text.
The Special Offering for the month of June is for The Banner, the magazine of the Christian Reformed
Don’t forget The Table collections in the blue barrel. The Table is a community food supply outlet for
the area. Needs include shampoo & conditioner, soup, laundry soap, cereal and hot cereal, ketchup and
mustard, and canned fruit. Let’s fill the barrel to overflowing with love for our neighbors.
A time of fellowship with coffee, juice, and cake celebrating Dave and Miriam Hector’s 50 th anniversary
follow worship.
VBS is planned for June 24-27 in the evenings from 5:30 to 8:00 PM. beginning with a meal. The theme
this summer is SCUBA, where kids dive into friendship with God. Kids explore the Bible, science, and
faith through fun activities. Each day kids learn about God’s love, His Word, and His stories through
interactive situations. Please mark your calendars for a great time for children in our church and
Our VBS link for sign ups is now available! The signup form can be found on Calvin’s Facebook page
(Calvin CRC Le Mars). We can’t wait to have you come!
The church office is open Monday through Friday from 10 – noon. If you have concerns for the prayer
chain, please contact the church secretary at 712-546-4767.

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