This Week at Calvin 4/25/23

Calvin Church, 326 7 th St SE, welcomes all who are looking for a church family to worship, learn and
fellowship with us. Worship begins at 10:00 AM. Pastor Brian Hofman is leading us in a series of
sermons on Romans. This Sunday the text is Romans 6, “Dead To Sin, Alive in Christ.” Miriam Hector
will lead us into worship with a prelude on the piano. The All For Him Praise Team will lead the singing
of “Christ is Risen! Shout Alleluia”, “Here on Jesus Christ I Will Stand”, “Jesus Messiah”, “Same Power”,
and ”Oh, How Good is Christ the Lord”.
After the offertory, the children come forward to visit with Pastor Brian and then will be dismissed for
Children’s Worship.
Sunday School classes for all ages are available this Sunday at 9:00 am. The Adult Sunday School class is
meeting this week as they watch the DVD “Counter Culture” by David Platt.
All Ladies of Calvin are invited to the Women’s Ministries “Our Favorite Things” Party April 29 th
beginning at 10 AM with Brunch.
This week Wednesday Calvin leads the nursing home ministry at PrimeLiving at 9:30 AM and Accura
Health at 10:00 AM.
On Friday, April 28, the Disability Concerns team will be meeting at 6:30 PM. They will be meeting with
Deb Rensink.
Acoustic Storytime will be held on Sunday, May 7 th , at Rejoice Community Church at 6 PM. The concert
features Contemporary Christian Music Artists Jason Gray, Cade Thompson, and Mike Donehey of Tenth
Avenue North.
The church is open every morning from 10 to noon. If you have any prayer requests and concerns
you like included in the bulletin, please direct them to our church secretary at 712-546-4767.
Services may be seen on YouTube, on our newly designed website at, or by listening
to a CD.

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