This Week at Calvin 3/6/2024

News from CCRC – Calvin Christian Reformed Church “A Caring Church, Reaching Community”!
Our church building is located at 326 7th St SE. We invite all to come and observe Lent with us. This year
we are using the Lenten Triad to visualize the marking of time. There are 6 purple candles, with a white
Christ Candle in the middle. A black cloth covers the base symbolizing the ashes of death and our dying
to self throughout the Lenten period. It culminates in the death of Christ on Good Friday.
On each of the Lenten Sundays, we snuff out one purple candle culminating with the white Christ
candle on Good Friday coinciding with the singing of a verse from “Throughout these Lenten Days and
Sunday School classes for all ages begins at 9:00 AM.
Worship begins at 10 AM on Sunday. The All For Him Praise Team will lead the singing of “Forever
Reign,” “Sweet Mercies’, “Your Grace is Enough”, “Oh to See the Dawn”, and “What Wondrous Love.”
Pastor Brian Hofman’s text is from John 18: 12b –27 where Peter denies Jesus three times.
The Children are welcomed up front to visit with Pastor Brian for an introduction to the morning’s text.
They will then be dismissed to Children’s Worship led by Tessa Hofman.
Special Offering for March is designated for Hope Haven.
A Good Friday service and a celebrative Easter service, where the Christ candle is relit, are being
The church office is open Monday through Friday from 10 – noon. If you have concerns for the prayer
chain, please contact the church secretary at 712-546-4767.
All are welcomed to worship, study, pray, and fellowship with us. You’ve heard it said, “A Christcentered church is not a showcase for saints but a hospital for sinners.” From Heaven by Randy Alcorn.

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