This Week at Calvin 12/27/22

Happy New Year from Calvin Christian Reformed Church, 326 7th St SE. On New Year’s Day, at 10:00 AM,
we worship our newborn King Calvin welcomes all those looking for a church home to visit and join us
in worship of our prophesied Christ. He is the same yesterday, today and forever.
We ring in the New Year with thankfulness for God’s provision in the year past and the hope for the
future. Mr. Matt Wentz will lead Calvin in worship this Sunday.
Inez Hoogeveen is playing the prelude “Let All Things Now Living” on the grand piano. She will also
accompany the hymns: “O God Our Help in Ages Past,” “Another Year is Dawning”, Infant Holy, Infant
Lowly”, “I Heard The Bells on Christmas Day”, “Go Tell It On the Mountain.”
Sunday School classes will take a break for the weeks of Christmas and New Year’s.
The Wednesday Evening Women’s Bible Study will be starting a new DV series in January, the 2nd and
4th weeks, at 6:30 PM. They will be studying “Twelve More Women of the Bible”. If you are interested in
studying with us, please contact Laura Grigsby at 712-541-7145 so she can order a study guide for you.
Please let her know on or before December 26. We would love to have you join us!
The Afternoon Women’s Bible Study will take a break on January 4th
. Let’s meet again on January 18th
, 1:30 PM to continue our study on 2 Corinthians. God bless.
If there are any prayer needs, please contact the secretary at 546-4767 and she will relay it to our prayer
Secretary hours are 10 – Noon Monday through Friday. Pastor Brian also loves visitors.
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