This Week at Calvin 12/13/2023

Calvin Church, 326 7 th St SE, welcomes all who are looking for a church family to worship, learn and
fellowship with us. Sunday School classes for all ages begin at 9:00 AM. Worship begins at 10:00 AM
celebrating the Third Week of Advent lighting the candle of love. This flame represents the incredible
love that God pours into our lives and calls us to share with others. Songs of love include: “Come Thou
Long Expected Jesus”, “Angels From the Realms of Glory,” “Infant Holy, Infant Lowly”, “Hark! The Herald
Angels Sing”, and “Joy to the World”. Jill Bomgaars will provide service music on her euphonium
accompanied by Miriam Hector on the organ. Thank you, Jill.
Pastor Brian Hofman will be doing a Classical Appointment at Hawarden CRC this Sunday. Mr. Dan
Tracey from Orange City will us in worship. We welcome him to our pulpit.
After the offertory, the children are dismissed to Children’s Worship led by Kaitlyn Visscher.
This month’s Special Offering is for World Renew. The Sunday School class will be designating special
items to purchase with their year’s offerings. Come to be a part of this exciting decision. World Renew
is the relief and development arm of the Christian Reformed Church.
A Lifewise Christmas Tree is in the foyer. On it are items you can purchase to support LifeWise. Calvin
welcomes LifeWise Academy to our facilities.
The Afternoon Bible Study meets at 1:30 PM on Wednesday to fill goodie sacks for the children. Treats
to follow.
The church office is open every morning from 10 to noon. If you have any prayer requests and
concerns you like included in the bulletin, please direct them to our church secretary at 712-546-4767.
Services may be seen on YouTube, on our newly designed website at, or by listening
to a CD.

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