This Week at Calvin 11-17-21

Calvin Church, 326 7 th St SE, welcomes all who are looking for a church family to worship, learn and
fellowship with us. Worship begins at 10:00 AM with Miriam Hector providing a prelude. Brian
Hofman’s message will center on Psalm 106 where we declare God’s faithfulness in keeping His
promises and delivering His people. The All For Him praise team will lead the singing of “Everlasting
God”, “Rejoice O Pure In Heart,” “His Mercy is More”, and “Thank You Lord for Saving My Soul.”
This Sunday we celebrate the sacrament of Communion. We need to prepare our hearts and ask God for
the proper spirit in which to celebrate the sacrament. As is custom on Communion Sundays, we donate
to the Christian Needs Center. November needs: Pancake mix, syrup, canned fruit, toilet paper and
shampoo. These can be placed in the blue barrel in the narthex. A Special Offering is designated to the
Christian Needs Center
At 9:00 AM, Sunday, there are Education Classes for all ages. Teachers are preparing valuable lessons
for us all. Come and learn together
This Wednesday, 6:30 PM a Thanksgiving Eve Worship Service will be held. An offering will be taken for
the Center for Financial Education.
Last Sunday there were 119 Operation Christmas Child boxes filled to the brim. Thank you to all who
Mark your calendars for the Thanksgiving Supper for the Calvin Family, November 21 at 5:00 PM.
Turkey, ham and potatoes will be provided. Please bring a dish of vegetable, salad or a dessert to share.Following the meal, we will have a time of fun and laughter.                        Services may be seen on YouTube, on our website at or by listening to a CD.

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