This Week at Calvin 4/17/2024

News from CCRC – Calvin Christian Reformed Church “A Caring Church, Reaching Community”! Our
church building is located at 326 7th St SE.
We invite all to come and celebrate the fourth Sunday of Easter with us.
There are Sunday School classes for all ages beginning at 9:00 am.
Worship begins at 10:00 in the sanctuary. Rev. Brian Hofman begins a series of sermons on the Lord’s
Supper. This week’s message is based on Luke 22: 7 – 20 connecting the Lord’s Supper with Passover.
Service music will be provided by Inez Hoogeveen. Our Easter hymns will be: “Beautiful Savior”, “O
Worship the King”, “I Know that My Redeemer Lives”, and “Sent Forth by God’s Blessing.”
This Sunday we celebrate the Lord’s Supper together. As we prepare, ask God for the proper spirit in
which to celebrate the sacrament that we may repent sincerely of all sin. All elements will be passed to
the participants.
The Children are welcomed up front to visit with Pastor Brian for an introduction to the morning’s text.
After prayer, they will be dismissed to Children’s Worship with Kaitlyn Visscher.
The Special Offering for April is for Kingdom Boundaries Prison Aftercare. Don’t’ forget The Table
collections in the blue barrel.
Women’s Ministry Spring Event is a Mystery Day Trip! Sign up in the narthex for the May 4th event
beginning at 8:15 AM. Bring $20 for a homemade lunch and some spending money for shopping!
VBS is planned for June 24-27 in the evenings beginning with a meal. Please mark your calendars for a
great time for children in our community.
The church office is open Monday through Friday from 10 – noon. If you have concerns for the prayer
chain, please contact the church secretary at 712-546-4767
Join us and become part of a family of Christians called a church, where God’s Word is believed and
taught. We are not a showcase for saints but a hospital for sinners.

This Week at Calvin 4/10/2024

News from CCRC – Calvin Christian Reformed Church “A Caring Church, Reaching Community”! Our
church building is located at 326 7th St SE.
We invite all to come and celebrate the third Sunday of Easter with us. New banners with “I Am the
Resurrection and the Life. He who believes in me will never die,” will be displayed in the sanctuary.
There are Sunday School classes for all ages beginning at 9:00 am.
Worship begins at 10:00 in the sanctuary. Rev. Brian Hofman returns to the pulpit with a message on
John 21: 1 – 25. Our Easter hymns will be led by the All For Him praise team. Songs include: “Come
People of the Risen King”, “What a Beautiful Name/There’s Something About that Name”, “Same
Power”, and “O How Good is Christ the Lord.”
The Children are welcomed up front to visit with Pastor Brian for an introduction to the morning’s text.
After prayer, they will be dismissed to Children’s Worship with Tessa Hofman.
The Special Offering for April is for Kingdom Boundaries Prison Aftercare. Don’t’ forget The Table
collections in the blue barrel.
Women’s Ministry Spring Event is a Mystery Day Trip! Sign up in the narthex for the May 4th event
beginning at 8:15 AM. Bring $20 for a homemade lunch and some spending money for shopping!
VBS is planned for June 24-27 in the evenings beginning with a meal. Please mark your calendars for a
great time for children in our community.
The church office is open Monday through Friday from 10 – noon. If you have concerns for the prayer
chain, please contact the church secretary at 712-546-4767
Join us and become part of a family of Christians called a church, where God’s Word is believed and
taught. We are not a showcase for saints but a hospital for sinners.

This Week at Calvin 4/3/2024

News from CCRC – Calvin Christian Reformed Church “A Caring Church, Reaching Community”! Our
church building is located at 326 7 th St SE.
We invite all to come and celebrate Easter season with us.
There are Sunday School classes for all ages beginning at 9:00 am.
Worship begins at 10:00 in the sanctuary. The cross is draped in a white linen cloth representing purity
and the resurrection of Jesus. Rev. Matt Wentz will fill the pulpit this Sunday. Our Easter hymns will be:
“Victory in Jesus”, “Thine is the Glory”, “Lord I Lift Your Name on High”, “Christ is Risen! Shout
Hosanna,” and “Because He Lives”.
The Children are welcomed up front to visit with Rev. Wentz for an introduction to the morning’s text.
The Special Offering for April is for Kingdom Boundaries Prison Aftercare. The blue barrel in the narthex
is a collection for The Table, a community food supply outlet for the area. Needs include soup, canned
fruit, jelly, dish and laundry soap, and shampoo.
The Wednesday Evening Bible Study meets at 6:30 PM. Laura Grigsby leads this study.
Women’s Ministry Spring Event is a Mystery Day Trip! Sign up in the narthex for the May 4 th event
beginning at 8:15 AM. Bring $20 for a homemade lunch and some spending money for shopping!
VBS is planned for June 24-27 in the evenings beginning with a meal. Please mark your calendars for a
great time for children in our community.
The church office is open Monday through Friday from 10 – noon. If you have concerns for the prayer
chain, please contact the church secretary at 712-546-4767
Join us and become part of a family of Christians called a church, where God’s Word is believed and
taught. We are not a showcase for saints but a hospital for sinners.

This Week at Calvin 3/27/2024

News from CCRC – Calvin Christian Reformed Church “A Caring Church, Reaching Community”!
Our church building is located at 326 7 th St SE. We invite all to come and observe Good Friday with us.
The service is structured like a funeral to help us feel the reality of Jesus’ death. Through Scripture,
readings, and songs, we reflect on the scope of Jesus’ life on earth, from the promise of his coming
through his ministry to his death. Inez Hoogeveen will accompany the traditional hymns. At the
conclusion of the service the Christ Candle will be extinguished signifying his death for our sins.
Beginning at 9:00 AM Easter morning, all are invited to the Fellowship Hall for an Easter breakfast
serving egg bake, muffins, coffee cake, juice, and coffee.
Worship begins at 10:00 in the sanctuary with a prelude “Risen Today! by Miriam Hector on the organ.
The sanctuary will be decorated with white lilies and the white drape on the cross. “Christ the Lord is
Risen Today” will open the service along with the relighting of the Christ Candle signifying Christ’s
resurrection from the dead. With Patrick Visscher on trumpet and Hector on organ we will celebrate
Christ’s resurrection with the singing of “Christ the Lord is Risen Today,” “This is the Day”, “Low in the
Grave He Lay”, “He is Lord”, and leave the service with “Crown Him with Many Crowns.
The Children are welcomed up front to visit with Pastor Brian for an introduction to the morning’s text.
They will then be dismissed to Children’s Worship led by Kaitlyn Visser.
Pastor Brian will use John 20: 1 – 18 as his text for the “Empty Tomb” message.
The church office is open Monday through Friday from 10 – noon. If you have concerns for the prayer
chain, please contact the church secretary at 712-546-4767
As the song goes: “I am the church, you are the church, we are the church together! All who follow
Jesus, all around the world, yes, we’re the church together.” Join us.

This Week at Calvin 3/20/2024

News from CCRC – Calvin Christian Reformed Church “A Caring Church, Reaching Community”!
Our church building is located at 326 7th St SE. We invite all to come and observe Palm Sunday with us.
Each person will receive a palm branch as they enter the sanctuary. The children and parents will
process down the aisle waving their branches, but we all love to be able to celebrate together. The All
For Him band will accompany the singing of Hosanna (Praise is Rising), “All Hail King Jesus”, “See A
Victory”, “You Are My King”, and “Lift Up the Gates Eternal”. Pastor Brian will use John 18: 28 – 19: 16a
for the text of his message.
Sunday School classes for all ages begin at 9:00 AM.
Worship begins at 10:00. A prelude by Miriam Hector leads us all into a spirit of worship.
The Children are welcomed up front to visit with Pastor Brian for an introduction to the morning’s text.
They will then be dismissed to Children’s Worship led by Kaitlyn Visser.
Special Offering for March is designated for Hope Haven.
A Good Friday service of remembrance and love will be held at 7:00 PM. The service is structured like a
funeral to help us feel the reality of Jesus’ death. Through Scripture, readings, and songs, we reflect on
the scope of Jesus’ life on earth, from the promise of his coming through his ministry to his death.
A celebrative Easter breakfast and worship service beginning at 9:00 AM will be Easter Sunday where
the Christ candle is relit.
This Wednesday we lead the worship services at Prime Living and Accura.
The church office is open Monday through Friday from 10 – noon. If you have concerns for the prayer
chain, please contact the church secretary at 712-546-4767
As the song goes: “I am the church, you are the church, we are the church together! All who follow
Jesus, all around the world, yes, we’re the church together.” Join us

This Week at Calvin 3/13/2024

News from CCRC – Calvin Christian Reformed Church “A Caring Church, Reaching Community”!
Our church building is located at 326 7th St SE. We invite all to come and observe Lent with us. On each
of the Lenten Sundays, we snuff out one purple candle of the Lenten Triad culminating with the white
Christ candle on Good Friday coinciding with the singing of a verse from “Throughout these Lenten Days
and Nights.”
Sunday School classes for all ages begin at 9:00 AM. The Adult Class led by Troy Hughes is using the
DVD by Ray Vander Laan as he travels through the Holy Land giving insight to the meaning of Biblical
terms. Sharon Zomermaand lovingly teaches a beautiful lesson each week to our children. Pastor Brian
goes through the Heidelburg Catechism with the young people. Thank you all for your time and effort in
preparing these wonderful lessons.
Worship begins at 10:00. A prelude by Miriam Hector leads us all into a spirit of worship. Pastor Brian
Hofman’s text is from John 18: 12b – 27.
The Children are welcomed up front to visit with Pastor Brian for an introduction to the morning’s text.
They will then be dismissed to Children’s Worship led by Tessa Hofman.
Special Offering for March is designated for Hope Haven.
A Good Friday service and a celebrative Easter breakfast and worship service, where the Christ candle is
relit, are being planned.
This Wednesday we lead the worship services at Pride Home, Brentwood, and Park Place Estates.
The church office is open Monday through Friday from 10 – noon. If you have concerns for the prayer
chain, please contact the church secretary at 712-546-4767
As the song goes: “I am the church, you are the church, we are the church together! All who follow
Jesus, all around the world, yes, we’re the church together.” Join us

This Week at Calvin 3/6/2024

News from CCRC – Calvin Christian Reformed Church “A Caring Church, Reaching Community”!
Our church building is located at 326 7th St SE. We invite all to come and observe Lent with us. This year
we are using the Lenten Triad to visualize the marking of time. There are 6 purple candles, with a white
Christ Candle in the middle. A black cloth covers the base symbolizing the ashes of death and our dying
to self throughout the Lenten period. It culminates in the death of Christ on Good Friday.
On each of the Lenten Sundays, we snuff out one purple candle culminating with the white Christ
candle on Good Friday coinciding with the singing of a verse from “Throughout these Lenten Days and
Sunday School classes for all ages begins at 9:00 AM.
Worship begins at 10 AM on Sunday. The All For Him Praise Team will lead the singing of “Forever
Reign,” “Sweet Mercies’, “Your Grace is Enough”, “Oh to See the Dawn”, and “What Wondrous Love.”
Pastor Brian Hofman’s text is from John 18: 12b –27 where Peter denies Jesus three times.
The Children are welcomed up front to visit with Pastor Brian for an introduction to the morning’s text.
They will then be dismissed to Children’s Worship led by Tessa Hofman.
Special Offering for March is designated for Hope Haven.
A Good Friday service and a celebrative Easter service, where the Christ candle is relit, are being
The church office is open Monday through Friday from 10 – noon. If you have concerns for the prayer
chain, please contact the church secretary at 712-546-4767.
All are welcomed to worship, study, pray, and fellowship with us. You’ve heard it said, “A Christcentered church is not a showcase for saints but a hospital for sinners.” From Heaven by Randy Alcorn.

This Week at Calvin 2/28/2024

News from CCRC – Calvin Christian Reformed Church “A Caring Church, Reaching Community”!
Our church building is located at 326 7 th St SE. We invite all to come and observe Lent with us. This year
we are using the Lenten Triad to visualize the marking of time. There are 6 purple candles, with a white
Christ Candle in the middle. A black cloth covers the base symbolizing the ashes of death and our dying
to self throughout the Lenten period. It culminates in the death of Christ on Good Friday.
The purple-colored candles are also used to signify repentance. The center candle is white, the color of
purity, and represents Christ.
On each of the Lenten Sundays, we snuff out one purple candle culminating with the white Christ
candle on Good Friday.
Sunday School classes for all ages begins at 9:00 AM.
Worship begins at 10 AM on Sunday. Prelude by Miriam Hector on the grand piano will be an
arrangement of “And Can It Be that I Should Gain?”. Pastor Brian Hofman’s text is from John 18: 1 – 12a
where Judas betrays Jesus and Jesus is arrested by the Jewish officials. All will join in singing of:
“Throughout this Lenten Days and Nights, “Here I Am to Worship”, “Lord, Have Mercy”, “I Stand Amazed
in the Presence”, and “Man of Sorrows”.
The Children are welcomed up front to visit with Pastor Brian for an introduction to the morning’s text.
They will then be dismissed to Children’s Worship led by Kaitlyn Visscher.
The church office is open Monday through Friday from 10 – noon. If you have concerns for the prayer
chain, please contact the church secretary at 712-546-4767.
All are welcomed to worship, study, pray, and fellowship with us. You’ve heard it said, “A Christ-
centered church is not a showcase for saints but a hospital for sinners.” From Heaven by Randy Alcorn.

This Week at Calvin 2/21/2024

News from CCRC – Calvin Christian Reformed Church “A Caring Church, Reaching Community”!
Our church building is located at 326 7th St SE. We invite all to come and observe Lent with us. This year
we are using the Lenten Triad to visualize the marking of time. There are 6 purple candles, with a white
Christ Candle in the middle. A black cloth covers the base symbolizing the ashes of death and our dying
to self throughout the Lenten period. It culminates in the death of Christ on Good Friday.
The purple-colored candles are also used to signify repentance. The center candle is white, the color of
purity, and represents Christ.
All candles are lit the first Sunday of Lent. On each of the Sundays, we snuff out one purple candle.
Sunday School classes for all ages begins at 9:00 AM.
Worship begins at 10 AM on Sunday. Pastor Brian Hofman’s text is from John 11: 1 – 57 where Jesus
raises Lazarus from the dead. The All For Him praise team leads the singing of: “Jesus Messiah”, “His
Mercy is More”, “Living Hope”, “Is He Worthy?”, “I Will Rise”, and “We Will Dance.”
The Special Offering for February is for the Gospel Mission in Sioux City.
The Children are welcomed up front to visit with Pastor Brian for an introduction to the morning’s text.
They will then be dismissed to Children’s Worship.
Wednesday evening the Women’s Bible Study has just started a new study on Jacob. They are studying
the book God Never Gives Up on You by Max Lucado. They meet at 6:30 pm.
The church office is open Monday through Friday from 10 – noon. If you have concerns for the prayer
chain, please contact the church secretary at 712-546-4767.
All are welcomed to worship, study, pray, and fellowship with us.

This Week at Calvin 2/14/24

News from CCRC – Calvin Christian Reformed Church “A Caring Church, Reaching Community”!
Our church building is located at 326 7 th St SE. This week our members Pete and Mary Attema joined
Hope Haven in La Pax, Mexico building and distributing pediatric wheelchairs to disabled children.
Blessings on them and their team as they serve and reach out to our neighbors for Christ. Many other
members give rides, make food, give calls, ministering to each other and our neighbors through caring
Sunday School classes for all ages begins at 9:00 AM.
Worship begins at 10 AM on Sunday. Pastor Brian Hofman returns to the pulpit this week with another
sign of Jesus from the book of John 9: 1-41, where Jesus heals a man born blind.
This week we celebrate communion.
The Special Offering for February is for the Gospel Mission in Sioux City. The Gospel Mission is a
nonprofit, non-denominational Christian ministry dedicated to serving the homeless in Siouxland. Don’t
forget to donate to The Table, too. The Table is a community food supply outlet for the area. They
need shampoo & conditioner, dish soap, laundry soap, canned fruit, cereal & hot cereal, soup, ketchup
& mustard. Items are collected in the blue barrel in the narthex.
The Children are welcomed up front to visit with Pastor Brian for an introduction to the morning’s text.
They will then be dismissed to Children’s Worship.
Wednesday evening the Women’s Bible Study has just started a new study on Jacob. They are studying
the book God Never Gives Up on You by Max Lucado. They meet at 6:30 pm.
The church office is open Monday through Friday from 10 – noon. If you have concerns for the prayer
chain, please contact the church secretary at 712-546-4767.
All are welcomed to worship, study, pray, and fellowship with us.