
Calvin Christian Reformed Church, 326 7th St SE, welcomes all those looking for a church home to visit
and join us in worship of our prophesied Christ. This Sunday, the second Sunday of Advent, we think
about the love that Christ demonstrated. His sacrificial love was evident as he took on human flesh and
entered our world in humility. We light the Love candle, the second purple candle.
Education classes for all ages are held at 9:00 AM. Each class will be able to choose items from the
World Renew Gift Catalog which includes animals, seeds, tools, and other items that will benefit needy
Worship begins at 10 AM in the sanctuary. Pastor Brian Hofman will preach through 2 Thessalonians, a
short book which focuses us on the looking forward to Christ’s second coming part of Advent. This
Sunday’s text is 2 Thessalonians 2: 1-17. Miriam Hector will provide the prelude “Back to Bethlehem
Medley”. Songs selected are “O Little Town of Bethlehem”, “God is Here”, “Away in A Manger”, and
“View the Present”. We will be sent out to serve with “O Come, Messiah, Come Again.”
Following the offertory, the children may leave to attend Children’s Worship in the Fellowship Hall with
Tess Hofman. This is a new ministry for Calvin. We are so excited to offer this opportunity.
Pastor Brian along with a few members will be leading services on Wednesday, December 7th at Prime
Living (9:30) and Accura (10:00). We look forward to meeting the residents at these care facilities.
Looking ahead, Calvin will be having a Dramatic Christmas Eve service with readers and actors at 5:00
PM. Make plans to also join us on Christmas Morning, 10:00 AM, to celebrate Christ’s birth.
Secretary hours are 10 – Noon Monday through Friday. Pastor Brian also loves visitors.

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