Calvin Christian Reformed Church welcomes all who are looking for a church home. Calvin is located at
326 7 th St SE. Worship at Calvin begins at 10AM. October 31 st is Reformation Day in the Protestant
Church. There will be a litany and song for Reformation Sunday. The Song of Praise is “A Mighty
Fortress is Our God.”
This Sunday we install our new council office-bearers during the worship service. We welcome the new
members of elder and deacons and express our gratitude to out-going council members for their term of
A video will be shown from Operation Christmas Child “Miracles of Mexico.” Many of the boxes sent
from this area have been going to Mexico. Pastor Brian Hofman continues his messages on the book of
Malachi. This week the text is Malachi 3: 6 -12 concentrating on the proper spirit in which to give our
tithes and offerings. The song of response is “God, Whose Giving Knows No Ending.” We close our
service with “We Give Thee But Thine Own.”
At 9:00 AM, Sunday, there are Education Classes for all ages. Teachers are preparing valuable lessons
for us all. Come and learn together
This Wednesday, 1:30 PM is women’s Bible Study in the Fellowship Hall. Our lesson is #17 “Conflicts –
Strife”. Coffee and Dessert are served with a time of fellowship, as well.
All offerings and tithes are now given during the worship service. If you are unable to be there, they can
be sent to the church or dropped off at the church office Monday through Fridays, 10 – noon.
Operation Christmas Child boxes are ready for distribution. The return date for filled boxes is Sunday
November 14.
Services may be seen on YouTube, on our website at, or by listening to a CD available under the mailboxes.