This Week at Calvin 9/11/23

Calvin Church, 326 7 th St SE, welcomes all who are looking for a church family to worship, learn and
fellowship with us. Worship begins at 10:00 AM. Pastor Brian Hofman will lead us in worship. Inez
Hoogeveen will provide the prelude and accompany the hymns of: “This Is the Day”, “How Great Thou
Art”, “Man of Sorrows”, and “It is Well With My Soul”.
Pastor Hofman has begun a series of sermons on the end times. This Sunday’s text is 1 Thessalonians 4:
This Sunday Calvin will be celebrating communion. As we prepare to celebrate communion, we ask God
for the proper spirit in which to celebrate the sacrament that we may repent sincerely of all sin and that
by it we shall be spiritually revived, and strengthened in faith, hope, and love through Christ our Lord.
A Special Offering will be taken for Lifewise Academy.
This Sunday, September 17, following the service, we will meet to select 2 new elders and 1 new
deacon. If you are unable to attend on the 17 th , you may submit an absentee approval ballot by
stopping by the church between 10-noon on Monday – Friday and submitting a signed absentee ballot
with Pastor Brian or Janet in the church office.
Do you enjoy listening to inspirational Christian music? On October 6, 7 PM, at B.J. Haan Auditorium,
Dordt University, the groups Four for Him, the Klaasens, and Ensemble Royale will perform. There will
be a freewill offering taken for BLI (Bible League International). Invite your friends to “An Evening of
If you have any prayer requests and concerns you like included in the bulletin, please direct them to our
church secretary at 712-546-4767.
Services may be seen on YouTube, on our newly designed website at, or by listening
to a CD.


This Week at Calvin 9/7/2023

Calvin Church, 326 7 th St SE, welcomes all who are looking for a church family to worship, learn and
fellowship with us. Sunday School classes for all ages begin this Sunday at 9:00 AM. Come join us in the
Fellowship Hall where prepared teachers will meet you to join in learning more about our faithful God.
Worship begins at 10:00 AM. Pastor Brian Hofman will lead us in worship. Miriam Hector will provide
the prelude. The All For Him praise team will lead the singing of: “Medley of Children’s Songs”, “Tell
Your Children”, “Seek Ye First”, and “Stronger”, and “Days of Elijah”. Pastor Hofman addresses “Be
Ready for the Christ’s Return” based on 2 Peter 3: 1- 18. This Sunday we are commissioning the Sunday
School teachers and leaders for all the Bible Studies.
This Sunday we welcome Lyndy Dohman, Le Mars Lifewise director, to join us for a time of food and
fellowship following our service. Our church is going to begin hosting Lifewise classes this fall, so this
will be a good opportunity to ask questions and learn more about how we can help. The dinner will
begin around noon. Meat and potatoes will be provided. Please bring a side or dessert to share.
The Wednesday Afternoon Ladies Bible Study Group will have their first meeting on September 6 at 1:30
PM. They will meet every 1 st and 3 rd Wednesdays through out the year. Lyn Bulthuis will use the study of
Angels (Standing Guard) to lead us.
The church office is open every morning from 10 to noon. If you have any prayer requests and
concerns you like included in the bulletin, please direct them to our church secretary at 712-546-4767.
Services may be seen on YouTube, on our newly designed website at, or by listening
to a CD.


This Week at Calvin 8/30/2023

Calvin Church, 326 7th St SE, welcomes all who are looking for a church family to worship, learn and
fellowship with us. Worship begins at 10:00 AM. Pastor Brian Hofman will lead us in worship. Tracy
Smidt will provide the prelude and accompany the singing of: “Your Name”, “Baptized in Water”, “Lead
on O King Eternal”, and “Jesus Loves Me”. Pastor Hofman has asked the congregation of questions
they’d like addressed in the month of September. This Sunday “Be Ready for the Christ’s Return” is
based on John 15: 18-25.
This Sunday we are celebrating the baptism of Jeremiah Hofman. Praise God for this blessing to our
church. Tracy Smidt (a friend of the family) will sing “He Knows My Name” as a solo.
Sunday School for all ages begins September 10th at 9:00.
The Wednesday Afternoon Laies Bible Study Group will have their first meeting on September 6 at 1:30
PM. They will meet every 1st and 3rd Wednesdays through out the year. All are welcome to join.
The Wednesday Evening Women’s Bible Study Group will be continuing their study of the DVD series
“Twelve More Women of the Bible. Each lesson is independent of the others, so you don’t need to
worry about starting in the middle. They will meet on the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of the month starting
in September.
At 2:00 PM our church opened its doors to the Chuukese Church family in our community. We welcome
them to worship God in our sanctuary.
The church office is open every morning from 10 to noon. If you have any prayer requests and
concerns you like included in the bulletin, please direct them to our church secretary at 712-546-4767.
Services may be seen on YouTube, on our newly designed website at, or by listening
to a CD.


This Week at Calvin 8/23/23

Calvin Church, 326 7 th St SE, welcomes all who are looking for a church family to worship, learn and
fellowship with us. Worship begins at 10:00 AM. Pastor Brian Hofman will lead us in worship. Miriam
Hector will provide the prelude on the organ. The All For Him praise team leads the singing of:
“Cornerstone”, “We Believe”, “Keep Your Lamps Trimmed and Burning”, “Change My Heart O God”, and
“Shepherd” sung as a solo by Ron De Kok.
Pastor Hofman will continue his sermons on the last days. Sunday’s text is 2 Timothy 3: 1-9, “Terrible
times in the last days.”
Pastor Brian is going to try out a discussion group based on our Bible passage for the week. Everyone is
invited to attend one or all the gatherings. These will be informal. We will talk about what you are
taking away from and wondering about that week’s sermon text. Our first meeting will be August 27,
about a half hour after the service in the fellowship hall. We will share some pizza as we discuss.
Sunday School and Bible Studies will all be starting in September. Watch for more details.
Are you looking for volunteer opportunities to help others and serve God? Make a life changing
difference with World Renew Disaster Response Services this fall in Boutte, Louisiana, Whatcom County,
Washington; or Sarasota, Florida! For dates and more information, go to
At 2:00 PM our church has opened its doors to the Chuukees Church family in our community. We
welcome them to worship God in our sanctuary.
The church office is open every morning from 10 to noon. If you have any prayer requests and
concerns you like included in the bulletin, please direct them to our church secretary at 712-546-4767.
Services may be seen on YouTube, on our newly designed website at, or by listening
to a CD.


This Week at Calvin 8/15/23

Calvin Church, 326 7 th St SE, welcomes all who are looking for a church family to worship, learn and
fellowship with us. Worship begins at 10:00 AM. Pastor Brian Hofman will lead us in worship. Miriam
Hector will provide the prelude and accompany the hymns of: “The Church’s One Foundation”,
“Beautiful Savior”, “In Christ Alone”, and “God is So Good”.
Pastor Hofman has begun a series of sermons on the end times. This Sunday’s text is 1 John 2: 18 – 27.
This Sunday Calvin will be celebrating communion. As we prepare to celebrate communion, we ask God
for the proper spirit in which to celebrate the sacrament that we may repent sincerely of all sin and that
by it we shall be spiritually revived, and strengthened in faith, hope, and love through Christ our Lord.
Pastor Brian will be leading services on Wednesday August 23 at the following Care Centers: 9:30 AM –
Prime Living and 10:00 at Accura.
Discussion Groups will begin August 27. Pastor Brian is going to try out a discussion group based on our
Bible passage for the week. We’ll meet a few times. These will be informal. We will talk about what
you are taking away from and wondering about that week’s sermon text. Pizza will be shared.
Fall Bible studies are being planned for the fall. Stay tuned.
At 2:00 PM our church has opened its doors to the Chuukees Church family in our community. We
welcome them to worship God in our sanctuary.
The church office is open every morning from 10 to noon. If you have any prayer requests and
concerns you like included in the bulletin, please direct them to our church secretary at 712-546-4767.
Services may be seen on YouTube, on our newly designed website at, or by listening
to a CD.


This Week at Calvin Aug 9, 2023

This Sunday at Calvin will be an extra special worship service!  Our missionaries, Anthony and Sara Sytsma will be at Calvin leading our service.  They work for Resonate Global Mission in Uganda.  Their message is based on 1 John 3:11-20, “The Gospel and Loving the Poor.”  
Anthony encourages and mentors pastors who face many challenges in ministry and who themselves need pastoral care.  He teaches informal groups of church leaders through curriculums like Timothy Leadership Training, and a curriculum he helped to write called “Helping Without Hurting in Africa” based on the book When Helping Hurts.  Ara works in churches and communities to help farmers better care for their land, produce more food, save money, and connect the Christian faith to everyday life through Bible study and skills training.  She facilitates farmer study groups on agriculture, caring fo creation, and nutrition.  She also teaches fuel-efficient and nutritious ways of cooking, building clay ovens, and baking.
After the service, a potluck meal is being planned to meet and greet the Sytsmas.  Meat will be provided.  Please bring a dish to share.  
On August 13 a Special Offering will be taken for the Sytsma family.  
This Sunday’s service will begin with a prelude by Miriam Hector.  The All For Him praise team will lead the singing of:  “We Fall Down”, “Who You Say I Am”, “I Have Decided to Follow Jesus,” “Jesu, Jesu”, and “Let it be Said of Us”. 
Our team is made up of Jim Viet, Ron De Kok, Bob Hughes, Dave Hector, Steve Ver Mulm, Patrick Visscher, Mary Fedders, and Lyn Bulthuis.  We thank them for their faithful service to leading worship.  
Worship begins at 10 AM on Sundays.  Calvin is located at 326 7th St SE, Le Mars, just east of Foster Park, or south of the courthouse.  Please come and join us in worship of our loving God.  


This Week at Calvin 8/1/23

Calvin Church, 326 7th St SE, welcomes all who are looking for a church family to worship, learn and
fellowship with us. Worship begins at 10:00 AM. Pastor Brian Hofman has returned from vacation and
will lead us in worship. Mandy Viet will provide the prelude and accompany the singing of: “Holy, Holy
Holy”, “Salvation Belongs to Our God”, “O God Our Help in Ages Past”, “Wait for the Lord” interspersed
with readings of Psalm 37, and “Soon and Very Soon”.
Pastor Hofman has asked the congregation of questions they’d like addressed in the month of August.
This Sunday “Be Ready for the Christ’s Return” is based on Matthew 24: 36-44.
Mark your calendars: August 13, we will have a noon meal following the church service which will be a
time spent with our missionaries Anthony & Sara Sytsma.
Rejoice! Summer Concert featuring Unspoken will be held Sunday, August 6 at Olsen Cultural Event
Center. Bring a lawn chair. The event is free. The gates open at 6:00 PM with the concert starting at
Are you looking for volunteer opportunities to help others and serve God? Make a life changing
difference with World Renew Disaster Response Services this fall in Boutte, Louisiana, Whatcom County,
Washington; or Sarasota, Florida! For dates and more information, go to
A library has been set up in the basement.
At 2:00 PM our church has opened its doors to the Chuukees Church family in our community. We
welcome them to worship God in our sanctuary.
The church office is open every morning from 10 to noon. If you have any prayer requests and
concerns you like included in the bulletin, please direct them to our church secretary at 712-546-4767.
Services may be seen on YouTube, on our newly designed website at, or by listening
to a CD.


This Week at Calvin 7/26/23

Calvin Church, 326 7th St SE, welcomes all who are looking for a church family to worship, learn and
fellowship with us. Worship begins at 10:00 AM. Pastor Matt Wentz will lead us in worship. Miriam
Hector will provide the prelude and accompany the singing of: “Send Us Your Spirit”, “Wind, Wind Blow
on Me”, “I Love To Tell the Story”, “Give Me Jesus”, and “The Doxology”.
Pastor Hofman will be on vacation this week.
Join us for the exciting Christmas in July Silent Auction fundraiser for Bible League. It will be held at
Immanuel Christian Reformed Church in Sheldon on July 31 beginning at 1:30 pm. Donations of
homemade food, household items and creative gifts will be appreciated. New this year will be gift
baskets filled with goodies from local merchants. Every $5 raised at this event will put a Bible in the
hands of those who are desperate to read the Word of God in their own language. A carpool will meet at
church at 12:30 PM.
Are you looking for volunteer opportunities to help others and serve God? Make a life changing
difference with World Renew Disaster Response Services this fall in Boutte, Louisiana, Whatcom County,
Washington; or Sarasota, Florida! For dates and more information, go to
A library has been set up in the basement.
At 2:00 PM our church has opened its doors to the Chuukees Church family in our community. We
welcome them to worship God in our sanctuary.
The church office is open every morning from 10 to noon. If you have any prayer requests and
concerns you like included in the bulletin, please direct them to our church secretary at 712-546-4767.
Services may be seen on YouTube, on our newly designed website at, or by listening
to a CD.


This Week at Calvin 7/19/23

Calvin Church, 326 7 th St SE, welcomes all who are looking for a church family to worship, learn and
fellowship with us. Worship begins at 10:00 AM. Pastor Brian Hofman will lead us in worship. Miriam
Hector will provide the prelude. The All For Him praise team leads the singing of: “Come Thou Fount”,
“Indescribable”, “Mighty To Save”, “See A Victory”, and “Forever Reign”.
Pastor Hofman will conclude his series of sermons on the 1 st book of Samuel. This Sunday’s text is
Samuel 7:2-17.
Mark your calendar for the exciting Christmas in July Silent Auction fundraiser for Bible League. It will be
held at Immanuel Christian Reformed Church in Sheldon on July 31 beginning at 1:30 pm. Donations of
homemade food, household items and creative gifts will be appreciated. Every $5 raised at this event
will put a Bible in the hands of those who are desperate to read the Word of God in their own language.
Are you looking for volunteer opportunities to help others and serve God? Make a life changing
difference with World Renew Disaster Response Services this fall in Boutte, Louisiana, Whatcom County,
Washington; or Sarasota, Florida! For dates and more information, go to
A library has been set up in the basement. You are welcome to check out any of the titles you find
At 2:00 PM our church has opened its doors to the Chuukees Church family in our community. We
welcome them to worship God in our sanctuary.
The church office is open every morning from 10 to noon. If you have any prayer requests and
concerns you like included in the bulletin, please direct them to our church secretary at 712-546-4767.
Services may be seen on YouTube, on our newly designed website at, or by listening
to a CD.


This Week at Calvin 7/12/23

Calvin Church, 326 7 th St SE, welcomes all who are looking for a church family to worship, learn and
fellowship with us. Worship begins at 10:00 AM. Pastor Brian Hofman will lead us in worship. Miriam
Hector will provide the prelude and accompany the hymns of: “God is Here”, “Refuge and Rock”, “Thy
Word”, “The Battle Belongs to the Lord”, and “You Are My King”.
Pastor Hofman has begun a series of sermons on the 1 st book of Samuel. This Sunday’s text is Samuel
This Sunday Calvin will be celebrating communion. As we prepare to celebrate communion, we ask God
for the proper spirit in which to celebrate the sacrament that we may repent sincerely of all sin and that
by it we shall be spiritually revived, and strengthened in faith, hope, and love through Christ our Lord.
This Sunday we will receive a special offering for ReFrame Ministries. ReFrame Ministries is formerly
Back to God Ministries International. The English programs include Today; Family Fire; Groundwork;
Think Christian an online magazine; Kids Corner; and Church Juice a website for church leaders.
A library has been set up in the basement. You are welcome to check out any of the titles you find
A recap of VBS this summer. We had a Stellar group of 33 children learning how to shine Jesus’ Light.
They raised $307.00 for Her Health in Le Mars.
At 2:00 PM our church has opened its doors to the Chuukees Church family in our community. We
welcome them to worship God in our sanctuary.
The church office is open every morning from 10 to noon. If you have any prayer requests and
concerns you like included in the bulletin, please direct them to our church secretary at 712-546-4767.
Services may be seen on YouTube, on our newly designed website at, or by listening
to a CD.