Calvin Christian Reformed Church located at 326 7 th St SE. invites you to join them in worship of the one
true God.
This Sunday, September 8, Pastor Brian Hofman leads us in worship. His message comes from the book
of Song of Songs. His text is Song of Songs 2: 1-17. Miriam Hector will lead us into worship with a
Medley of Children Songs for the beginning of Sunday School Classes. Songs of praise will be led by All
For Him. They are: “Beautiful One”, “Tell Your Children”, “When Love is Found”, “I Give You My Heart”,
and “Lead Me, Guide Me.” A commissioning of our faithful teachers, Bible Study Leaders and Children’s
Ministry leaders will be held during the service.
We couldn’t sing together without the trusty tech help of Jeremy Kamp on the sound board and setting
up the PowerPoint. Baze Postma volunteers to run the computer and the video camera for
Livestreaming. Thank you so much for your faithful service.
We are excited to start a new fall year of education at Calvin. Please join us in any or all the
opportunities. On Sundays, there are classes for all ages at 9:00 am. The 2 nd and 4 th Wednesdays at
6:30 PM, Laura Grigsby is continuing the study of the book “God Never Gives Up on You” by Max
A group from Calvin is attending the Bible League Dinner and Conference on September 10 th at Bethel
Christian Reformed Church, Sioux Center. Keynote speakers are Craig and Molly Sanborn.
Calvin is leading services at Prime Living (9:30) and Accura (10 AM) on Wednesday.
Follow us on Facebook. We are Calvin CRC Le Mars or on Youtube.
The church office is open Monday through Friday from 10 – noon. If you have concerns for the prayer
chain, please contact the church secretary at 712-546-4767.
true God.
This Sunday, September 8, Pastor Brian Hofman leads us in worship. His message comes from the book
of Song of Songs. His text is Song of Songs 2: 1-17. Miriam Hector will lead us into worship with a
Medley of Children Songs for the beginning of Sunday School Classes. Songs of praise will be led by All
For Him. They are: “Beautiful One”, “Tell Your Children”, “When Love is Found”, “I Give You My Heart”,
and “Lead Me, Guide Me.” A commissioning of our faithful teachers, Bible Study Leaders and Children’s
Ministry leaders will be held during the service.
We couldn’t sing together without the trusty tech help of Jeremy Kamp on the sound board and setting
up the PowerPoint. Baze Postma volunteers to run the computer and the video camera for
Livestreaming. Thank you so much for your faithful service.
We are excited to start a new fall year of education at Calvin. Please join us in any or all the
opportunities. On Sundays, there are classes for all ages at 9:00 am. The 2 nd and 4 th Wednesdays at
6:30 PM, Laura Grigsby is continuing the study of the book “God Never Gives Up on You” by Max
A group from Calvin is attending the Bible League Dinner and Conference on September 10 th at Bethel
Christian Reformed Church, Sioux Center. Keynote speakers are Craig and Molly Sanborn.
Calvin is leading services at Prime Living (9:30) and Accura (10 AM) on Wednesday.
Follow us on Facebook. We are Calvin CRC Le Mars or on Youtube.
The church office is open Monday through Friday from 10 – noon. If you have concerns for the prayer
chain, please contact the church secretary at 712-546-4767.