This Week at Calvin 8/20/2024

Calvin Christian Reformed Church located at 326 7 th St SE. invites you to join them in worship of the one
true God.
This Sunday Pastor Brian Hofman leads us in worship. His message comes from the book of
Deuteronomy. His text is based on Deuteronomy 19:1-13; 21:1-9; 24:7; 17&17 on “Respecting Human
Life.” Mandy Viet will lead us into worship with a prelude on the grand piano. The All For Him praise
team leads in singing of “Hear Our Praises”, “Christ Our Hope in Life and Death”, “He Knows My Name”,
“What A Beautiful Name”, “Jesu, Jesu” and “The Doxology.”
Members of the Praise team are Lyn Bulthuis, Mary Fedders, and Patrick Visscher, on vocals. Bob Hughes
and Ron De Kok on acoustic guitar, Jim Viet on bass, Mandy Viet on keyboard, and Dave Hector on
We are looking forward to the fall programs available at Calvin. Please join us as we grow together in
learning the scriptures and how God wants us to grow in His image.
Sunday School classes for all ages begin September 8 th at 9:00 am.
Women’s Bible Studies are available on Wednesdays. Afternoon (1:30 PM) first and third Wednesdays
studying the book “Heaven” by Randy Alcorn. Evening (6:30 PM) 2 nd and 4 th Wednesdays studying the
book “God Never Gives UP on You” by Max Lucado. Please contact Laura Grigsby (712-541-7145) by
September 1st if you need a book.
A Men’s Group is hoping to start in September as well. Meeting time is to be determined. Contact
Pastor Brian for a time that works for you.
Follow us on Facebook. We are Calvin CRC Le Mars or on Youtube.
The church office is open Monday through Friday from 10 – noon. If you have concerns for the prayer
chain, please contact the church secretary at 712-546-4767.

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